Simple Self Care at Home


It’s been an unsettling and uncertain time for many of us as the globe shifts and changes during the Covid-19 pandemic. I’ve heard lots of worry and fears surfacing for many, and also hearing lots of people talking negatively about how little they are achieving during this time that we’re now all spending at home. To this, my response has been ‘try to have some self compassion’. We are living in unprecedented times and it’s ok if it’s taking you a little time to adjust, to feel comfortable, to get things done. You are achieving so much by getting through each day as it comes to you.

It’s times like this that a little self care can be so important. Giving ourselves some kindness, compassion and care, especially those of us living alone without opportunity to receive care in other ways, is so important. While we are spending more time at home when we’re not at work, and many of us spending our working days at home too, some of the things that we might usually consider self-care, like a massage or a facial, or a shopping trip, a visit to an art gallery or a library, are not available to us at the moment.

So I want to share a few things that I’ve implemented that are beautiful little moments of self-care, that you can do from home. Some are things you might already do, so I want to challenge you to do them mindfully and with intention.

  • A morning walk. If you’re able, it;s a beautiful way to get your energy moving. A great way to incorporate mindfullness into your walks is to:

    • take a picture of each different flower you see on your walk and make a collage picture when you finish

    • look at the different fonts on all the house numbers and pick your favourite

    • find a house you love and count all the different type of materials that it’s made of

  • A hand massage. Use your favourite moisturiser and really take your time, pulling each finger to give lots of pressure through and increase circulation to them. See if you can feel the warmth of increased circulation as you go. This is great to do a few times throughout your work day too.

  • Aromas. I love having different aromas around to help boost my mood. I do this in two ways:

    • a diffuser with a differennt choice of essential oils each day depending on my mood. I have one going most of the day while I’m working. It’s great to watch the steam as well to have a few moments of focuisng on the present by watching it.

    • a mist, which I have as a blend of fragrances. I usually make up a blend every week or so and a spritz or two a few times a day not only gives me a fragrance burst, but a lovely mist across my face. If you would like an individually blended mist made just for you, posted straight to your door, you can book an online aroma session with me by clicking here.

  • Hydrate. Drinking water is really a wonderful act of self-care. Find a beautiful glass to enjoy sipping from, and if you have it you can add some lemon or lime (or any citrus really) to make it extra special.

  • Keeping some of your favourite things around you. I love having plants, flowers and crystals close by, for the beautiful energy they create and the smile they give me whenever I look at them. If you have the option and the budget, a delivery to youself of fresh flowers is a great mood-booster.

  • A facial ritual. In the morning or the evening, this is a great way to really feel the sensation of touch - a beautiful way to care for ourselves, particularly those of us living alone and missing the sensation of skin to skin touch. Use your favourite products, and make small circular motions with your fingertips all over your face. Close your eyes and really sende the feeling of your fingertips on your skin. Notice how it feels on your face and notice how it feels on your fingertips.

Give one new thing a try each day and allow yourself to receive and appreciate the care that you can gift yourself. As we live in this uncertainty for the next little while, these small acts of kindness and care towards ourselves can help us to feel calm and centred and move through our day with a little less worry and a little more love.