What Coaching with Fiona is all about

After healing my dysfunctional relationship with food and body image by processing stuck emotions and life experiences, I became an Eating Psychology and Emotional Release Coach to help others to achieve an easeful and joy filled relationship with food, body and life.

I use the principles of Dynamic Eating Psychology, Mind Body Nutrition, the Emotional Release Process®, Aromatherapy and Meditation to help you define your food and body freedom.

I’m so grateful to be able to use my unique combination of coaching tools and aromatherapy to support my clients, and love selling these tools individually to share the emotional support that they bring.

What is Eating Psychology Coaching?

Eating Psychology Coaching is an exciting and cutting edge approach developed by the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. It effectively addresses weight concerns, binge eating, overeating, body image challenges, and various nutrition related health concerns. As an Eating Psychology Coach, my approach is positive and empowering. I don’t see your eating challenges merely as a sign that “something is wrong with you” – but as a place where we can more fully explore some of the personal dimensions in life that impact food, weight and health. Oftentimes, our eating challenges are connected to work, money, relationship, family, intimacy, life stress and so much more. By working on the places that are most relevant for you, success is more easily achieved. As an Eating Psychology Coach, I look to support you with coaching strategies and nutrition principles that are nourishing, doable, sustainable, and that yield results.

What is Dynamic Eating Psychology?

Dynamic Eating Psychology is an important new field originated by Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. It’s a positive, empowering and transformational approach that’s designed for anyone who eats. Each of us has a unique, fascinating, and ever changing relationship with food. Dynamic Eating Psychology affirms the primary importance of this relationship. It sees our challenges with eating, weight and health not as an indication that we’re broken, but as a beautiful opportunity to grow and evolve. Previously, eating psychology has been limited to those with clinical eating disorders. Dynamic Eating Psychology though, is for everyone. It affirms that our relationship with food has important lessons to teach us if we choose to listen. And it recognises that our challenges with eating, weight and health are intimately connected to other primary life dimensions – relationship, family, work, sexuality, our search for meaning and fulfillment, and so much more. Dynamic Eating Psychology is a powerful breakthrough approach.

What is Mind Body Nutrition?

Mind-Body Nutrition is an exciting and timely new field that advances the practice of clinical nutrition by exploring the psychophysiology of how thoughts, feelings and beliefs impact nutritional metabolism and health. Originated by Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, it goes far beyond classical nutrition by focusing on the fascinating connections between brain, body, and behaviour. Simply put, what we eat is only half of the story of good nutrition. The other half is who we are as eaters. Mind Body Nutrition reveals how stress physiology, the relaxation response, breathing, awareness, pleasure, meal timing and much more profoundly influence digestion and calorie burning. And it offers practical and results-oriented strategies for the most commonly seen eating challenges and health issues of our times.

What is Emotional Release?

The Emotional Release Process® is a deeply transformative approach from Dr Jin Ong at The Art of Listening to Your Body that helps you understand how your body reflects your emotional state, how to get unstuck and move into your centre, discover what emotions you’re storing and be able to release them and connect back to who you truly are. There are four steps to the Release Process®:
1. Scream Verbal Dialogue Process
2. One-way conversation
3. Two-way conversation
4. Inner child / Younger-self conversation

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy’s popularity rests mostly on its ability to entice the senses. It uses essential oils, which are the pure oils extracted from many parts of a plant, tree or shrub. At a metaphysical level, essential oils are considered the lifeblood of the plant kingdom. Essential oils carry therapeutic properties that can be used to balance and heal many mind, body and spiritual conditions. In aromatherapy, essential oils are able to gain access to the body through the nose and the skin and they have four main modes of action: pharmacological, physiological, psychological and holistic.

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