Vlog Series: Episode 2 Working with Weight

Welcome to episode two of the vlog series. We’re talking today about working with weight.

Weight is something that many of us feel a need to control. We have been conditioned to watch the scales, and have been told that our happiness and worthiness is only as good as the number on the scale.

When we feel like weight is such an important factor to who we are, it’s natural that many of us turn to our eating patterns to attempt to change or control our weight. Interestingly, there are so many other factors that play a part in determining our weight that have little to do with our food intake or exercise patterns. Things like:

  • our genetic makeup

  • the quality of our sleep

  • our mental wellbeing and mood

  • the medications or supplements that we may need to take for other health conditions

  • and our stress levels

Then there are the emotional reasons why we might struggle to change our weight. For some people looking to lose weight, excess weight could be the body holding onto creative energy, fear or trauma, it is often an unconscious protection mechanism and can also be a sign of stress.

I see a lot of people who are waiting until they reach their goal weight to do the things in life that they want, like going on a date or applying for a new job and this is when beliefs around weight can impact their lives in ways that stop them from living the lives they want.

You are so much more that your weight. You are already worthy and deserving of all the things you desire, regardless of what the number on the scale says. And in fact, one of the best strategies to really change your weight for good is to seek out all those things you desire and begin living the life you want, your body will follow.

Learning to disconnect weight and self-worth is not easy and that is where working with a coach to help join the dots of the emotional connections to weight can be of real benefit. If you have been struggling with weight issues and want to try something different to the punishing diets and exercise plans to help you get the life you want, my Define YOUR Freedom package could be just the solution you’re looking for. Visit my website to book your free no obligation zoom call and discover all the ways you can look at your weight differently.

If you missed the first episode of the vlog series Disordered Eating Behaviours vs Eating Disorders, click here to catch up.